Saturday, June 3, 2023

"Top YouTube Channels for UPSC Civil Services Exam Preparation in India"

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When it comes to cracking civil services in India, there are several popular YouTube channels that provide valuable guidance and preparation tips. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. Unacademy UPSC: Unacademy is a renowned online learning platform that offers a dedicated UPSC section with a wide range of free and paid courses, including comprehensive guidance for civil services preparation.

  2. Study IQ Education: Study IQ Education is a popular YouTube channel that covers a variety of competitive exams, including UPSC. They provide in-depth analysis, current affairs updates, and topic-wise lectures to help aspirants in their preparation.

  3. Drishti IAS: Drishti IAS is known for its comprehensive coverage of UPSC syllabus through its YouTube channel. They offer video lectures, current affairs analysis, and exam-specific strategies to assist aspirants in their journey.

  4. Vision IAS: Vision IAS provides free videos on its YouTube channel, offering lectures on various topics, including GS (General Studies) subjects, essay writing, and answer writing skills for the UPSC exam.

  5. Vajiram & Ravi: Vajiram & Ravi is a renowned coaching institute in Delhi for civil services preparation. Their YouTube channel offers lectures, discussion sessions, and expert tips for UPSC aspirants.

It's important to note that while these channels provide valuable insights and guidance, they should be supplemented with self-study, comprehensive study materials, and mock tests to maximize your chances of cracking the civil services examination.

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