Sunday, November 15, 2009

Biography of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

Biography of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

You will now read a set of 99 questions and answers Alhamdulillah. In case if you find any mistakes or errors in any questions or answers please reply back. InshaAllah the same would be rectified and resent to all.

p.b.u.h = peace be upon him { sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ]

1. When was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 He was born on Monday, 9th or 12th Rabi Al Awwal. (Allah knows best)
2. Where was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 In Makkah
3. What is the name of the Prophet's father? Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib.
4. What is the name of the Prophet's mother? Aminah Bint Wahhab Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Zahrah.
5. When and where did his (prophet's) father die? He died in Makkah before Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was born.
6. What is the name of the Prophet's grandfather? Abdul Muttalib.
7. What was his granfather's position? He was the chief of his clan Bani Hashim.
8. What is the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) lineage up to his fifth ancestor? He is Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn AbdManaf Ibn Qusai Ibn Kilab.9
. Who suckled the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? First Thuyeba, the freed slave girl of his uncle Abdul Uzza known asAbu Lahab, then Haleema Bint Abu Dhuaib, best known as Haleema AlSadiyah.
10. Who named the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? Abdul Muttalib.
11. What did Muhammad's (p.b.u.h.) mother name him? Ahmad.
12. Why did she (the Prophet's mother) choose this name? Because she saw an angel in a dream calling the new-born baby Ahmad.
13. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died? Six years old.
14. Where did his mother take him? She took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to visit her relatives.
15. Where did his mother die? On her way back to Makkah, she died at Abwa and was buried there.
16. Who brought Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) back to Makkah? His father's slave girl, Umm Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her).
17. Who took the charge of his care? His grandfather Abdul Muttalib.
18. How long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad? For two years.
19. How was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons.
20. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson? That he would hold a prestigious position.
21. Who took care of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) after the death of Abdul Muttalib? His uncle Abu Talib.
22. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died? About eight years old.
23. When did Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) travel to Syria and with whom? He went to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib when he was twelve years old.
24. Who was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her)? She was a wealthy merchant of Makkah.
25. Why did she (Khadijah) want to marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? Because of his truthfulness and good conduct.
26. When did she (Khadijah) marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? When she was 40 years old.
27. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) at the time of the marriage? He was 25.
28. What did he (the Prophet) give her (Khadijah) as Mahr (dowry)? Twenty camels.
29. Was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) a widow? Yes. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was her third husband.
30. How was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) known in the society? He was known as Al Ameen (trustworthy) and Al Sadiq (truthful).
31. Did he get any sort of education? No, he didnt get any formal education from the society, rather he was
taught by Almighty Allah.
32. What should one say when the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) name is mentioned? One should say Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã (May the peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him).
33. How many times is the name of Muhammad mentioned in the Holy Quran? Four times.
34. What are the names of the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) uncles? They are: Harith, Zubair, Abu Talib, Hamzah (May Allah be pleasedwith him), Abu Lahab, Ghidaq, Maqwam, Safar and Abbas (May Allah bepleased with him).
35. Did his uncle Abu Talib accept Islam? No, he died a polytheist.
36. In the New Testament by what name was the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) mentioned? By the name of Paraclete.
37. What is Kabah? It is the oldest house of worship on the earth.
38. Who built it? The Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismael (May Allah be pleased with them).
39. How did Quraish arrange rebuilding of Kabah? They divided the work among various tribes. Each tribe wasresponsible for rebuilding a part of it.
40. Who laid the stones? A Byzantine mason called Baqum.
41. Where did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) go into seclusion? To the Cave of Hira.
42. What was the fist stage of the revelation? True dreams.
43. When did the first revelation come down to him? On Monday, 21st of Ramadan, at night (August 10th, 610 AC). He wasforty years then.
44. Who brought it? Jibrael(A.S).
45. Who were the first to embrace Islam? Four persons: Khadijah his wife, Zaid Ibn Haritha his freed slave,Ali Ibn Abi Talib his cousin and Abu Bakr his friend (May Allah bepleased with them).
46. Who accepted Islam at the instance of Abu Bakr (May Allah bepleased with him)? Uthman Ibn Affan, Zubair Ibn
Awwam, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Sad Ibn AbiWaqqaas, Talha Ibn Ubaidullah and Saeed Ibn Zaid (Umar's son-in-law)(May Allah be pleased with them).
47. Who were the ladies to accept Islam at first?
Abbas's wife Ummaul Fadl, Abu Bakr's wife Asma Bint Umais, hisdaughter Asma Bint Abi Bakr and Fatimah Bint Al Khattab Umar's sister(May Allah be pleased with them).
48. How was the Dawah done in the beginning? It was done in secret.
49. How many people embraced Islam in the early stage? About forty.
50. How many years did the call in secret continue? For three years.
51. During this period, where would the Muslims gather secretly? They would gather secretly in the house of a Muslim called Arqam tolearn about Islam and the revelations sent down to the Prophet(p.b.u.h.).
52. When did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) start to preach Islam openly? After three years when he received the revelation to that effect.
53. What was the impact of his public preaching? The people accepted Islam increasingly.
54. What was the main miracle of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)? The Holy Quran.
55. Did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) perform other miracles? Yes, the splitting of the moon was one of them.
56. Who was Abu Jahl? One of the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) uncles.
57. Name some of the disbelievers of Makkah who supported the Prophet(p.b.u.h.), but did not embrace Islam until the end. Abu Talib, Mutim Ibn Adi and Abul Bukhtari.
58. How long did Abu Talib protect the Prophet (p.b.u.h)? For 42 years – from the Prophet's childhood until he himself died.
59. Who was Mutim Ibn Adi? A chief of Makkah.
60. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) give protection to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)? When the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) returned from Taif and wanted to enter Makkah.
61. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) die? He was killed in the Battle of Badr.
62. Who was Abul Bukhtari? He was a poet.
63. How did he (Abul Bukhtari) support the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? He spoke out against the social boycott.
64. What lead the Muslims to emigrate to Abyssinia?
Their growing persecution at the hands of Quraish.
65. Which Surah lead to this emigration? Surah Az Zumar.
66. When was Abul Bukhtari killed? In the battle of Badr.
67. Who was then the King of Abyssinia? The King of Abyssinia, known as Najjashi (the Negus), during the timeof the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was As'hama.
68. When did the first group of Muslims leave for Abyssinia? In Rajab, in the fifth year of Prophethood.
69. How many persons were there in the group? 12 men and 4 women.
70. How were the emigrants received in Abyssinia? They were received warmly and hospitably.
71. When did the second group of emigrants leave for Abyssinia? In the fifth year of Prophethood.
72. How many people formed the group? 83 men and 18 women.
73. Name a prominent companion included in this group. Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him).
74. What did Quraish do? They despatched two envoys to Abyssinia to demand the extradition ofthe emigrants.
75. How did the King respond? He refused to extradite the Muslims and assured them of his full protection.
76. When did Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) accept Islam? At the age of 27.
77. Who was Bilal Ibn Rabah (May Allah be pleased with him)? He was a slave of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf.
78. What was his (Bilal Ibn Rabah's) origin? He was of Abyssinian decent.
79. What was the name of Bilal's mother? Hamama.
80. Who was Yaser (May Allah be pleased with him)? He was a slave of Abu Jahl.
81. Who was Sumayyah (May Allah be pleased with her)? She was Yaser's (a slave of Abu Jahl) wife.
82. Who was Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him)? He was Yaser and Sumayyah's only son.
83. How did Summaya (May Allah be pleased) die? Abu Jahl murderded her with a bayonet.
84. Who was Zaid Ibn Haritha (May Allah be pleased with him)?
He was a slave.
85. Who purchased him (Zaid Ibn Haritha)? Khadijah's nephew Hakim Ibn Hizam purchased him and presented him to her.
86. What did Khadijah do with Zaid Bin Haritha? She presented him to the Prophet who set him free.
87. Did Zaid Bin Haritha want to go to his parents? No, he preferred to live with the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).
88. To whom was Zaid Bin Haritha married? To Umma Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her).
89. Who was Ja'far? He was the elder brother of Ali Ibn Talib (May Allah be pleased with him).
90. Where did he (Ja'far) emigrate? To Abyssinia.
91. Who was Ali (May Allah be pleased with him)? He was the son of Abu Talib and cousin of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).
92. When did Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) accept Islam? When he was 19.
93. What was he (Ali) called for his bravery? The "Lion of Allah".
94. Whom did Ali first marry? He first married the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) daughter Fatimah (may Allahbe pleased with her).
95. How many sons did Ali have from her? Two sons: Hasan and Husain (May Allah be pleased with them).
96. When did Sa'd bn Abi Waqqas (May Allah be pleased with him) become a Muslim? When he was 19.
97. Where did Sa'd (May Allah be pleased with him) die? He died in Al Madinah.
98. What was Sa'd's advice to Muslims? To stand united.
99. Who was Abu Bakr's father (May Allah be pleased with him) and didhe accept Islam? He was Uthman (May Allah be pleased with him) (Abu Quhafah). Yes, heaccepted Islam during the Conquest of Makkah.

Scholarships for Indian Muslims

As salamu alaikum,
Following organizations provide scholarship to students some of them to Indian Muslims exclusively, for details please contact them directly. It is a detailed list compiled for benefit of community. Please forward the message to every one.

Scholarships for Indian Muslims :

Government of India:
Andhra Pradesh:
Himachal Pradesh:
Madhya Pradesh:
Uttar Pradesh:
West Bengal:


Aamir Mustafa Kidwai Trust
Contact Person: Mrs Aziza Kidwai
B-28, West End Colony, New Delhi - 110021; Tel. 011-24670009, Mob: 09868679107
Scheme: Financial assistance for pursuing higher studies to needy and meritorious persons belonging to educationally backward minorities.
Abdul Qayum Fellowship at Portland State University, USA
Provides for a student from Aligarh Muslim University or Shibli National College in India to apply for support to pursue any graduate degree
offered with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, with preference to be given to students seeking a degree in Economics and with demonstrated
financial need. The College is providing a matching tuition waiver.

Aga Khan Foundation (UK)
Aga Khan Foundation, Sarojini House, 6 Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi 110001
Scheme: University study in the UK for grad and post grad programmes

Agha Khan Program for Islamic Architecture
for study of architecture at MIT and Harvard
Scheme: Three scholarships awarded every year for research & investigation in Architecture of the Muslim world.

Al-Ameen Charitable fund Trust Super tannery (I) Ltd.
Jajmau Road, Jajmau, Kanpur - 208 010 (U.P.)
Scheme: Post Metric Scholarship for higher education
Al-Ameen Scholarships
UG-12, Essel House, 10-Asaf Ali road, New Delhi 110002 OR
76A/1; Okhla Main Bazar, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025; Tel: 26845691, Fax: 26839968
Scheme: Scholarship for students securing more than 50% marks in IXth and Xth standard. Girls studying from Vth standard may also be considered.

Aligarh Alumnis Scholarships
Application Forms can be downloaded from the Federation's Website ( ).
1. AMU Alumni Association, Australia (open to all, about 30 Scholarships)
2. AMU Alumni Association, California (open to all, about 150 Scholarships)
3. The Aligarh Alumni Association Washington DC
i) 14 Scholarships specific for students from ASSAM (Endowed by Mr. Zouqul Choudhary)
ii) 07 Sabah Memorial Scholarships (Specific for Law Students. Endowed by Mrs. Akhtar Quraishi & Dr. Sayeed Quraishi)
iii) 86 Scholarships (open to all) Endowed by different individuals.
iv) 03 Scholarships (open to all) Endowed by Mr. S. A. Raza.
4. Sultan Jahan Begum Scholarship (Oman, open to all, about 60 Scholarships)
5. Dr. S. M. Raza & Others Scholarships (Muscat, open to all)
6. Dr. E. R. Ansari Scholarships (Abu Dhabi, open to all about 8 Scholarships)
6. Begum Khalida Naheed & MSUS' Scholarship (open to all)
7. Aligarh Alumni Association of New England:
Provides scholarship to AMU graduates applying for admissions to US colleges for post-graduation.

All India Talent Identification And Promotion Trust
#7, SRK Garden, Jayanagar (E), Bangalore-41 Tel. 080-56969672, 6646861
Email: ;
AMM Arunachalam-Lakshmi Achi Scholarship
AMM Foundation, Parry House, Third Floor, 43 Moore Street, Chennai 600001.

Asma Foundation (Regd)
Hospital Road
Distt. Madhubani, Bihar 847211
Basic Research, Education And Development (BREAD)
Invites applications for financial aid from the students who had excelled in public exams, but could not afford to study further.
During the year 2004-05, BREAD will offer scholarships in science and technology : Engineering, Computer Science, Medicine, Veterinary Science,
Agriculture, Pharmacy, Polytechnics, Mathematics and Sciences.
BREAD and North South Foundation (NSF) have awarded over 2,000 Scholarships over the years.
The eligibility criteria include : a family income of less than Rs,38,000
(Rs.26,000 in rural areas) ; top five per cent ranks in Common Entrance Tests (CET) of 85 per cent marks in intermediate or equivalent examination
with relaxation of five per cent to rural and girl students in ranks/percentages ; rank of first attempt preferred; coming from Government or
Government aided schools only; first year students in the course of study chosen; students eligible for other scholarships will not normally be
eligible for BREAD scholarships. Shortlised candidates will be interviewed before the final selection.
The application form for Andhra Pradesh could be had from Ch. Hanumantha Rao, 204 Megha Apts, 2-1-253 Nallakunta, Hydreabad - 500 044 by sending a
self-addressed, stamped envelope with rank card of CET or mark sheet of intermediate or equivalent examination this year. The deadline for filing
of applications is July 31.
Sri M. Siva Ram Prasad, BREAD,401, Diamond House Adjacent to Amrutha Hills Punjagutta, Hyderabad-500 082

Bharat Seva Trust
12 A, Connaught Place New Delhi-110001;
Tel. 23323917
Central Wakf Council
14/173, Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110011;
Tel. 23384465; Fax. 23070881;

Criteria: Father's Annual income not more than Rs 75000.00 per annum.
Scheme: Scholarship to students of B.E., M.B.B.S, B.D.S, B.Sc.,
A.M.D.Sc (Alig), M.B.A., M.Sc., L.L.B., Scholarship Rs 6000.00 per annum
The Children Foundation
Students studying from the V to the XII standard
Post Box No -5007, Chennai - 600090 Tamil Nadu
Activities mainly in the state of Kerala
Provide scholarship for academically excellent student who lack the financial freedom in choosing and building their career

Crescent Educational Foundation
B.61 C K Road, Chanpatana, Bangalore Dist.Karnataka, email : ; Tel ++91-80-7251143 / 54443; Mobile ++91-9844143530; PRO: Mr. Syed
Criteria : Students from Muslim community (irrespective of any school of thought) but he/she must be from Chanpatana city only
Scheme: Scholarship to students of professional courses.
Dawodbhoy Fazalbhoy Muslim Educational Trust
42, Ibrahim Md. Merchant Road, Dhadah Khadak, Mumbai 400 029, E-mail:

Danish Education Trust(R)
To Karnataka students studying in the following courses in Karnataka:
Law, Journalism, Economics
or Students appearing for II year PUC and Karnataka CET 2008, seeking admission to 1st year BE & MBBS courses.
Danish Educational Trust
No. 85, Sheriff House, Richmond Road, Next to Karnataka State
Hajj Committee Office, Bangalore - 560025.
Phone: 080 – 41121281.

Dawodbhoy Fazalbhoy Muslim Educational Trust
42, Ibrahim Md. Merchant Road, Dhadah Khadak, Mumbai 400 029,

Delhi Wakf Board
Near Bachchon Ka Ghar, Daryaganj, Delhi 110006
Dr. Zakir Hussain Memorial Trust
4, Gul Mohar Avenue, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025
Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access (FAEA)
B-41, Qutab Institutional Area, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi - 110 016, Phone: 2696 4290, 2696 5211 Fax: 2696 4580, E-mail:
Criteria: Undergraduate studies in Arts / Commerce / Science / Medical / Engineering and other technical and professional discipline at any
University / Institution / College of students choice anywhere in India.
Eligibility: 1. Indian Nationals. 2. Students who are currently in Class XII or have passed Class XII from a recognised board in India. Those in
the 1st year of the undergraduate course (any discipline) are also eligible to apply.
Scope: Tuition fee, maintenance allowance or hostel/mess charges and other allowances to cover travel, clothing and books. Scholarships are tenable
up to a maximum of five years. All grants are renewed annually based on Scholars good academic performance.
How to apply: Use form available at .
Education Support: portal of scholarship by HRD ministry.

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Sisters!!! Dedicated to all women

A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day,drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother. Asthey talked about life, about marriage, about theresponsibilities of life and the obligations ofadulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in herglass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glanceupon her daughter..'Don't forget your sisters,' she advised, swirlingthe tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. 'They'llbe more important as you get older. No matter howmuch you love your husband, no matter how much youlove the children you may have, you are still goingto need sisters. Remember to go places with them nowand then; do things with them..''Remember that 'sisters' means ALL the women...your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your otherwomen relatives too. 'You'll need other women. Womenalways do.'What a funny piece of advice!' the young womanthought. Haven't I just gotten married?Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now amarried woman, for goodness sake! A grownup! Surelymy husband and the family we may start will be all Ineed to make my life worthwhile!'But she listened to her mother. She kept contactwith her sisters and made more women friends eachyear. As the years tumbled by, one after another,she gradually came to understand that her mother reallyknew what she was talking about. As time and naturework their changes and their mysteries upon a woman,sisters are the mainstays of her life..
After more than 50 years of living in this world,here is what I've learned:THIS SAYS IT ALL:Time passes.Life happens.Distance separates.Children grow up.Jobs come and go.Love waxes and wanes.Men don't do what they're supposed to do.Hearts break.Parents die.Colleagues forget favors.Careers end.BUT.........Sisters are there, no matter how much time and howmany miles arebetween you. A girl friend is never farther awaythan needing her can reach.When you have to walk that lonesome valley and youhave to walk it by yourself, the women in your lifewill be on the valley's rim, cheering you on,praying for you, pulling for you, intervening onyour behalf, and waiting with open arms at thevalley's end..Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walkbeside you...Or come in and carry you out.Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers,Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extendedfamily: all bless our life!The world wouldn't be the same without women, andneither would I. When we began this adventure calledwomanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys orsorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much wewould need each other..Every day, we need each other still. Pass this onto all the women who help make your life meaningful.I just did. Short and very sweet:There are more than twenty angels in this world.Ten are peacefully sleeping on clouds. Nine areplaying. And one is reading her post at this moment.Send this message to ten of your friends.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Need your help-Do for ALLAH and ALLAH will do for you

Do for ALLAH and ALLAH will do for you.

Assalaam alaykum wa rehmatullahi wa barkatahu, This is to inform all my muslim brothers/sisters that there is a masjid being contructed in our area MASJID-E-MOHAMMADIA, Yousufguda. This masjid was constructed very long back. With the increase in muslim population in that area it is getting congested. We have plan to contruct a new floor of the masjid. Estimated cost for this is around 4 lakh. Alhamdulillah, We have taken the responsibility of this construction and started to accumalate funds.
With the grace of ALLAH almighty we all must take the responsibility. I request all of you to make contributions(even small) in this good cause.
Brothers/Sisters willing to contribute can transfer funds to this bank account.

Mushtaq Hussain ICICI BankSaving bank account no.004801561098 Sec'bad branchpincode-500003 Please mention "Masjid Contruction" in transaction remarks and if possible please email me back so that I can send you back receipt of your contribution. Don't stop by reading this email if you cannot contribute.
Forward it to all your friends/relatives in India or abroad. May be one of them will contribute and you too will get the reward.

Mushtaq Hussain



A plum once said, just because a banana lover came by, I converted myself into a banana. Unfortunately,his taste changed after a few months and so I became an orange. When he said I was bitter I became an apple, but he went in search of grapes. Yielding to the opinions of so many people, I have changed so many times that I no more know who I am. How I wish I had remained a plum and waited for a plum lover.
Just because a group of people do not accept you as you are, there is no necessity for you to strip yourself of your originality. You need to think good of yourself, for the world takes you at your own estimate. Never stoop down in order to gain recognition. Never let go of your true self to win a relationship. In the long run, you will regret that you traded your greatest glory - your uniqueness, for momentary validation. Even Gandhi was not accepted by many people. The group that does not accept you as you is not your world.
There is a world for each one of you, where you shall reign as king / queen by just being yourself. Find that world... in fact, that world will find you.
What water can do, gasoline cannot and what copper can, gold cannot. The fragility of the ant enables it to move and the rigidity of the tree enables it to stay rooted. Everything and everybody has been designed with a proportion of uniqueness to serve a purpose that we can fulfil only by being our unique self. You as you alone can serve your purpose and I as I alone can serve my purpose. You are here to be you... just you.
There was a time in this world when a Krishna was required and he was sent; a time when a Christ was required and he was sent; a time when a Mahatma was required and he was sent; a time when a J.R.D.Tata was required and he was sent. There came a time when you were required on this planet and hence you were sent. Let us be the best we can be. Don't miss yourself and let the world not miss you.
In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinite of time to come, there will be no one like you. Existence should have loved you so much that it broke the mould after making you, so that another of your kind will never get repeated. You are original. You are rare. You are unique. You are a wonder. You are a masterpiece... your Master's piece. Celebrate your Uniqueness.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Assalamu aleikum wr wb,

There are many less fortunate muslims around us. It becomes our duty to ease their pain and help them in whatever way possible.Please join hands with me in this noble cause of helping the ummah of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAW).

You can send your contributions to my ICICI bank account for Sadqa-e-Jaariah with remarks as SADQA to avoid any confusion. I will make sure your sadqa reaches the needy.

A/c Number : 015201543236
Branch : Mysore

Jazakallahu Khairan.


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Please share this message with your friends and relatives.



Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Rabbana Agfirli walil waalidayya walil moominina yauma yaqoomul hisaab
1. Aye Allah Mujhe Lailatul Qadr Ata Farma.
2. Aye Allah Mujhe Kaamil Iman Naseeb Farma aur Poori Hidayat Farma.
3. Aye Allah Kalma-E-Tayyaba Zabaan per Jaari Farma.
4. Aye Allah Hamen poore Ramzan ke Rehmaten, Barkaten Aur Anwarath se Maala MaalFarma.
5. Aye Allah Hamare Diloun ko Iqlaas ke Saath Deen ki taraf Pher de.
6. Aye Allah Apne qaas Rahmat naazil Farma Aur Apne Qahar wo Azaab se Bacha.
7. Aye Allah Jhoot, Gheebat, Keena Boghz, Takabbur, Burai Aur Jhagde se HamariHifazath Farma.
8. Aye Allah Hamare Sagheera wo Kabeera Gunahoun ko maaf Farma.
9. Aye Allah ek lamhe ke liye bhi hamein Duniya ke Hawale na Farma.
10. Aye Allah Tangdasti, Khouf, Ghabrahat Aur Qarz ke Bojh ko door Farma.
11. Aye Allah hamko Dhajjal ke Fithne, Shaitaan wo Nafs ke Shar se, Mouth ke Sakhti,Qhabr ke Azaab se, Jahannum ke Aaj se Bacha.
12. Aye Allah Hashr ki Ruswai se hamare Walidain Aur poori Ummath-E-Mohammadia keHifazath Farma.
13. Aye Allah Pulsaraat se Bijlee ki tarah guzaar de.
14. Aye Allah bila Hisaab O Kitaab Jannathul Firdous mein hamien jaga Ata Farma.
15. Aye Allah Naama-E-Aamal hamare Dayen Haath mein naseeb Farma.
16. Aye Allah Apne Arsh ke Saaye mein Jaga Naseeb Farma.
17. Aye Allah Hajj-E-Baitullah Maqbool wo Mabroor Naseeb Farma.
18. Aye Allah Miunkir wo Nakeer ke Sawalath hum per Aasan Farma.
19. Aye Allah Halaal Rozi Ata Farma.
20. Aye Allah Qayamath ke Roz Apna Deedar Ata Farma.
21. Aye Allah hamein tere Bandoun ka Mohtaj na Bana.
22. Aye Allah Ourath ko parde ki pabandi ke poori poori Taufeeq Ata Farma.
23. Aye Allah choti badi beemari se hamari Aur Ummat-E-Mohammadia ke HifazathFarma.
24. Aye Allah Taqwa Aur Parhezgari naseeb Farma.
25. Aye Allah hamari Qoum ko Seerat-E-Mustaqeem per Qayam rehne wala bana Aurraza per raazi rehne ki Taufeeq Ata Farma.
26. Aye Allah Huzoor(S.A.S) ke Pyare Tareeqe hum ko sikha de Aur Aap (S.A.S) keSunnath per chalne ke Taufeeq De.
27. Aye Allah Qayamath ke din Huzoor(S.A.S) Shifa 'Ath Naseeb Farma.
28. Aye Allah Qayamath ke din Huzoor(S.A.S) ke Mubarak Hathoun se Jaam-E-Kousarpeena Naseeb Farma.
29. Aye Allah Hamare Diloun mein Apni Aur Huzoor(S.A.S) ke Muhabbath NaseebFarma
.30. Aye Allah Huzoor(S.A.S) bhalai ke liye jo Duaen maangi the use hamare Haq meinNaseeb Farma Aur jin jin Buraiyoun se Panah chahi usse Hamari Hifazath Farma.
31. Aye parvadigar hume sachi pakki tauba karne ki taufeek ata farma.
32. Ya-Rahmaan, Ya- Rahim, Ya- Malik, Ya- Qudus, Ya- Salam, Ya- Ghaffar, Ya- Ghafur, Ya- Karim humare gunahon ko maaf farma.
33. Ya-Allah hume gunaahoon se nafrat dede, Ya- Allah jaane anjaane mein humse jo galtiyan hui unhe maaf farma, Ya-Allah hum jo galtiyon ki tauba karna bhool gaye aap un galtiyon ko bhi maaf farmao.
34. Aye Allah tamaam marhumon ko Jannat ata farma, Dozakh ke azaab se khabar ke azaab se aur jahannum ke aag se bacha.
35. Aye Allah hume Jahannum lejaane wale kaamon se bacha.
36. Aye Allah hume nek bana.
37. Ya- Bari be- aulaad ko nek aulaad ata farma.
38. Ya Allah jin ladkiyon ki shaadi nahi hui un logon ko nek joda ata farma.
39. Aye Allah hume apne maa baap ki taraf pyar aur sabar se pesh aane ki taufeek ata farma.
40. Ya-Allah jo ladkiyan apne sasuraal mein tangi ke din guzaarri unke daaman mein khushiya dede.
41. Ya – Allah humare dilonse duniya ki mohobbat nikalde.
42. Ya- Allah humare dilon mein Quraan-e- majid ka noor munavvar karde.
43. Ya-Allah hame, hamari aulaad ko, hamari naslon ko aur tamaan musalmaanon ko Huzoor ( sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam)ki itnasi abhi be-adbi karne se mehfooz farma.
44. Ya- Raqib be-saharon ko , bewaan ko, yateemon ko sahara de.
45. Ya-Mujib jo bhi ummeed se tere paas aate hein un sabki duaien khubool farma.
46.Ya - Allah tamaam ummte muslima ki jaayaz duaen kubool farma.


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Please share this message with your friends and relatives.



Dars-e-Quran and Dars-e-Hadith for ladies in Hyderabad

Assalamu Aleikum.

Hope you are doing good. There is an organization by name Girls Islam Organization (GIO) which focuses on making more and more women understand Quran and Hadith.
You too can come along with your mother, sisters and other female relatives and get benefited from it.
We have Dars-e-Quran and Dars-e-Hadith programs every alternate sundays, InshaAllah.
For more details you can contact drop in a mail to

P.S : Since it is organized by girls, only females are allowed.

Marriage - Half your faith

Marriage – Half your faith

What is Marriage?

- the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (pbuh)
- binds two hearts with love, magically endowed by Allah
- strengthens you with Faith
- blesses you with a partner, a friend & a companion for life with whom you can find love, peace & comfort
- showers on you loyalty & faithfulness, mutual co-operation & understanding
- gifts you the devotion of an obedient & patient wife
- grants you the care of a loving & understanding husband

Lets not swap this blessing with

- a relation of broken hearts
- a union based on other things instead of iman & islam
- lack of love, indifference, misunderstandings, clashes of ego, quarrels over petty things, suspicion, disloyalty & disobedience
- greed for material things like dowry
- tyranny & abuse


Few of the best Duas

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Jazakallahu khair kaseeran kaseera fid dunya wal aakhira.


Assalamu Aleikum,
Rasulullah said: "Whosoever recites Subhanallah 33 times after every Salaat and recites AlhamduLillah 33 times and then recites Allahu Akbar 33 times, which equals to 99 and completed the 100 by reciting:
"La ilaaha illallahu wahdahu laasharika lahu lahulmulku wa lahulhamdu wahuwa alaa kulli shayyin qadir
Meaning: There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, and He is over all things competent." all his sins will be forgiven even though it be equal to the foam of the ocean.
According to a Hadith, whosoever after far and ASR recite thrice the following Repentance:
"Astagafirullahallazi laa ilaaha illa huwal hayyul qayoom wa atoobu ilaihi
I ask forgiveness of Allah, (who is) "There is no god save He," everliving, eternal, owner of might and majesty and I turn repentant unto you."
all his sins, even if huge like the sea, will be forgiven.
Janabe Umme Salma was widowed in medina & in difficulty when she requested the Prophet (pbuh) for a dua. The prophet asked her to recite this dua . As a consequence she became the wife of the Best human being on earth! when there was NO hope of earning respect & a decent living.
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raje oon. Allahummajalni farajawn wa makhrajan war zuqni khaira min haiso ahtasibo wa min haiso la ahtasib, be haqqe Mohammadin wa ale mohammad (SAW)"

We belong to Allah and to Allah we return. O Allah! speed up to me help and recovery and give me good sustenance from where I know and know not for the sake of Muhammad (SAW) and his family.

HADITH:"Whoever enters a market and says:
'Laa ilaaha ill Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuhyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wa huwa 'alaa kulli shay'in qadeer'

MEANING: (there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, He causes life and death and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all good, and He is over all things competent.) Allah will write for him a million good deeds, erase a million of his bad deeds and raise him a million levels."(Tirmidhi, classed as Hasan by Albani)
Remember me in your prayers,

Hi Friends and well-wishers,
Thanks for dropping by my site.
If you are looking for a weight loss unani medicine, I have one.
It works wonders, Be ready to discover a young YOU.

 Please drop me a mail at if you are interested to buy.
Jazakallahu khair kaseeran kaseera fid dunya wal aakhira.


Duas of the Prophets (A.S)

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I am using it myself and am happy with the results. It doesn't have any chemicals, so no side effetcs.

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Please share this message with your friends and relatives.



Assalamu Aleikum,

Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) used to supplicate:

"Allahumma inni as'alukal-huda, wat-tuqa, wal-`afafa, wal-ghina
(O Allah! I beseech You for guidance, piety, chastity and contentment).

Commentary:"Guidance'' means guidance towards virtue which one needs at every step. The ability to do good and steadfastness on the Right Path is also covered by the term guidance. To comply with the Orders of Allah and to prevent oneself from what He has forbidden is Taqwa (fear of Allah), the importance of which needs no elaboration. `Affaf is prevention from sins. It also means evasion from seeking help from others. Ghina means riches which makes one independent of others so much so that all one's hopes are centered on Allah Alone. The prayer quoted in this Hadith is very comprehensive indeed.

O Allah, enrich me with knowledge, adorn me with gentleness, honor me with piety and beautify me with health. Ameen...

Allahumm-aghfir li, warhamni, wa-hdini, wa `afini, warzuqni
O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, guard me against harm and provide me with sustenance and salvation.

Allahumma musarrifal-qulubi, sarrif qulubana `ala ta`atika
O Allah! Controller of the hearts, direct our hearts to Your obedience.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Seek refuge in Allah against the turmoils, attacks of misfortunes, and evil of judgement and joys of the enemies.''

Allahumm-aslih li diniyalladhi huwa `ismatu amri, wa aslih li dunyaya-llati fiha ma`ashi, wa aslih li akhirati-llati fiha ma`adi, waj`alil-hayata ziyadatan li fi kulli khair, waj`alil-mauta rahatan li min kulli sharrin.

O Allah, make my religion easy for me by virtue of which my affairs are protected, set right for me my world where my life exists, make good for me my Hereafter which is my resort to which I have to return, and make my life prone to perform all types of good, and make death a comfort for me from every evil.[Muslim]

Commentary: This is a very comprehensive prayer which simply means: "O Allah! Help me spend all my life in complete devotion to You, doing what You like and avoiding what You dislike.''

`Allahumma-hdini wa saddidni (O Allah! Direct me to the Right Path and make me adhere to the Straight Path).'' Another narration is: `Allahumma inni as'aluk-alhuda was-sadad (I beg You for guidance and uprightness).''

"Allahumma inni a`udhu bika minal-ajzi wal-kasali, wal-jubni wal-harami, wal-bukhli, wa a`udhu bika min `adhabil-qabri, wa a`udhu bika min fitnatil-mahya wal-mamat.
[O Allah! I seek refuge in You from helplessness (to do good), indolence, cowardice, senility, and miserliness; and I seek Your Protection against the torment of the grave and the trials of life and death].'' Another narration adds: "wa dala`id-daini wa ghalabatir-rijal (And from the burden of indebtedness and the tyranny of men).''
Allahumm-aghfir li khati'ati, wajahli, wa israfi fi amri, wa ma Anta a`lamu bihi minni. Allahumm-aghfir li jiddi wa hazli, wa khata'i wa `amdi, wa kullu dhalika `indi. Allahumm-aghfir li ma qaddamtu wa ma akhkhartu, wa ma asrartu, wa ma a`lantu, wa ma Anta a`lamu bihi minni. Antal-Muqaddimu, wa Antal-Mu'akhkhiru; wa Anta `ala kulli shai'in Qadir.
O Allah! Forgive my errors, ignorance and immoderation in my affairs. You are better aware of my faults than myself. O Allah! Forgive my faults which I committed in seriousness or in fun deliberately or inadvertently. O Allah! Grant me pardon for those sins which I committed in the past and I may commit in future, which I committed in privacy or in public and all those sins of which You are better aware than me. You Alone can send whomever You will to Jannah, and You Alone can send whomever You will to Hell-fire and You are Omnipotent.

Commentary: The Prophet (PBUH) was sinless but still he prayed earnestly to Allah for the forgiveness of his shortcomings. In fact, he did so to educate his followers. This prayer is an expression of one's utter humbleness and sincere repentance of sins.

Allahumma inni audhu bika min sharri ma `amiltu, wa min sharri ma lam a`mal.
O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of that which I have done and the evil of that which I have not done.

Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min zawali ni`matika, wa tahawwuli `afiyatika, wa fuja'ati niqmatika, wa jami`i sakhatika.
O Allah! I seek refuge in You against the declining of Your Favours, passing of safety, the suddenness of Your punishment and all that which displeases You.
Commentary: This is also a very comprehensive prayer. Allah has blessed man with innumerable gifts. One becomes conscious of them when one is deprived of any of them, hence it is said that the value of a blessing is realized at its loss. For eyes, ears, tongue, health, property, children and such countless blessings, we owe gratitude to Allah. In the prayer cited in this Hadith, one entreats Allah not to deprive of any blessing given to him. `Afiyah means safe from disease, grief and troubles. "Passing of the safety (`Afiyah)'' signifies the change from a state of good health to a state of illness and weakness or that one is overtaken by troubles and afflictions.

Allahumma inni a`udhu bika minal-`ajzi wal-kasali, wal-bukhli wal-harami, wa `adhabil-qabri. Allahumma ati nafsi taqwaha, wa zakkiha Anta khairu man zakkaha, Anta waliyyuha wa maulaha. Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min `ilmin la yanfau`, wa min qalbin la yakhsha`u, wa min nafsin la tashba`u, wa min da`watin la yustajabu laha`.

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the inability (to do good), indolence, cowardice, miserliness, decrepitude and torment of the grave. O Allah! Grant me the sense of piety and purify my soul as You are the Best to purify it. You are its Guardian and its Protecting Friend. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the knowledge which is not beneficial, and from a heart which does not fear (You), and from desire which is not satisfied, and from prayer which is not answered.''

Allahumma laka aslamtu, wa bika amantu, wa `alaika tawakkaltu, wa ilaika anabtu, wa bika khasamtu, wa ilaika hakamtu. Faghfir li ma qaddamtu, wa ma akh-khartu, wa ma asrartu wa ma a`lantu, Antal-Muqaddimu, wa Antal-Mu`akhkhiru, la ilaha illa Anta.

O Allah! to You I submit, in You I affirm my faith, in You I repose my trust, to You I turn in repentance and with Your Help I contend my adversaries and from You I seek judgement. O Allah! Grant me forgiveness for the faults which I made in past and those ones I may commit in the future, those which I committed secretly or openly. You Alone send whomever You will to Jannah, and You Alone send whomever You will to Hell-fire. There is none worthy of worship except You.'' Another narration adds: "La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah (There is no strength to resist evil and no power to do good except through Allah).''

"Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min fitnatin-nari, wa `adhabin-nari, wa min sharril-ghina wal-faqri
O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the trials and the torment of the Fire and from the evils of wealth and poverty)."
Commentary: "The evils of wealth'' signify that one becomes so captivated by wealth that in his struggle to acquire it, he fails to discriminate between the lawful and the unlawful, or one may become proud and arrogant on account of his riches. The evils of poverty that one loses hope of Allah's Mercy and Compassion, or shows resentment against his fate and the Will of Allah, or deviates from the principles and requirements of integrity and honesty.
Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min munkaratil-akhlaqi, wal-a`mali, wal-ahwa`i

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from undesirable manners, deeds, and aspirations.

Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min sharri sam`i, wa min sharri basari, wa min sharri lisani, wa min sharri qalbi, wa min sharri maniyyi

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evils of my hearing, the evils of my seeing, the evils of my tongue; the evils of my heart and the evils of passions.

Allahumma inni a`udhu bika minal-barasi, wal-jununi, wal-judhami, wa sayyi'il-asqami'

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from leucoderma, insanity, leprosy and evil diseases.

"Allahumma inni a`udhu bika minal-ju`i, fa-innahu bi'sad-daji`u; wa a`udhu bika minal-khiyanati, fa-innaha bi'satil-bitanah'

O Allah! I seek refuge in You from hunger; surely, it is the worst companion. And I seek refuge in You from treachery; surely, it is a bad inner trait.''

`Ya muqallibal-qulubi, thabbit qalbi `ala dinika (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).''

One of Prophet Dawud's supplications was: `Allahumma inni as'aluka hubbaka, wa hubba man yuhibbuka, wal-`amalalladhi yuballighuni hubbaka. Allahumm-aj`al hubbaka ahabba ilayya min nafsi, wa ahli, wa minal-ma'il-baridi
O Allah! I ask You for Your Love, the love of those who love You, and deeds which will cause me to attain Your Love. O Allah! Make Your Love dearer to me than myself, my family and the cold water.'

O Messenger of Allah! You have made many supplications of which we do not remember anything.'' He said, "Shall I tell you a comprehensive prayer? Say:
`Allahumma inni as'aluka min khairi ma sa'alaka minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam. Wa `a`udhu bika min sharri mas-ta`adha minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam. Wa Antal-Musta`anu, wa `alaikal-balaghu, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.
O Allah, I beg to You the good which Your Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) begged of You; and I seek refuge in You from the evil where from Your Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sought refuge. You are the One from Whom help is sought and Your is the responsibility to communicate (the truth). There is no power or strength except with Allah the Exalted, the Great.

Allahumma inni as'aluka mujibati rahmatika, wa `aza'ima maghfiratika, was-salamata min kulli ithmin, wal-ghanimata min kulli birrin, wal-fawza bil-jannati, wannajata mina-nar.
O Allah! I beg You for that which incites Your Mercy and the means of Your forgiveness, safety from every sin, the benefit from every good deed, success in attaining Jannah and deliverance from Fire.

1) Dua of Adam (A.S) to Allah in repentance:
Rabbana thalamna anfusana wain lam taghfir lana watarhamna lanakoonanna mina alkhasireena
"Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers."

2) Dua of Yunus (A.S) repenting to Allah in the belly of the whale:
la ilaha illa anta subhanaka innee kuntu mina alththalimeena :“La ilaha illa Anta [none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)], Glorified (and Exalted) are You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]. Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers."

3) Dua of Ayyub (Job, A.S) after he was ill for many years:
annee massaniya alddurru waanta arhamu alrrahimeena
"Verily, distress has seized me, and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy."

4) Dua of Ibrahim (Abraham (A.S)) for widom and piety:

Rabbi hab lee hukman waalhiqnee bialssaliheena
My Lord! Bestow Hukman on me, and join me with the righteous;

WaijAAal lee lisana sidqin fee alakhireena
And grant me an honourable mention in later generations;

WaijAAalnee min warathati jannati alnnaAAeemi
And make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise of Delight;

Waighfir liabee innahu kana mina alddalleena
And forgive my father, verily he is of the erring;

Wala tukhzinee yawma yubAAathoona
And disgrace me not on the Day when (all the creatures) will be resurrected;

Yawma la yanfaAAu malun wala banoona
The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail,

Illa man ata Allaha biqalbin saleemin
Except him who brings to Allah a clean heart.

5) Dua of Ibrahim(Abraham (A.S) for forgiveness for his parents:

Rabbana ighfir lee waliwalidayya walilmumineena yawma yaqoomu alhisabu
"Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established."

6)Dua of Ibrahim(Abraham (A.S) for Allah to make him a muslim: Rabbana waijAAalna muslimayni laka wamin thurriyyatina ommatan muslimatan laka waarina manasikana watub AAalayna innaka anta alttawwabu alrraheemu
"Our Lord! And make us submissive unto You and of our offspring a nation submissive unto You, and show us our Manasik (all the ceremonies of pilgrimage - Hajj and 'Umrah, etc.), and accept our repentance. Truly, You are the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful.”

7) Dua of Ibrahim(Abraham (A.S) and his followers to Allah when dealing with the idol worshippers:
rabbana AAalayka tawakkalna wailayka anabna wailayka almaseeru
" Our Lord! In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final Return”

8) Dua of Musa (Moses, A.S) for any good:
rabbi innee lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeerun
"My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!"

9) Dua of the people of the Cave:
rabbana atina min ladunka rahmatan wahayyi lana min amrina rashadan "Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!"

10) Dua of Yusuf (Joseph, A.S) for Allah to make him die as a muslim: fatira alssamawati waalardi anta waliyyee fee alddunya waalakhirati tawaffanee musliman waalhiqnee bialssaliheena
“The (only) Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Wali (Protector, Helper, Supporter, Guardian, etc.) in this world and in the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Muslim (the one submitting to Your Will), and join me with the righteous."

11)Dua of the new beleivers whom Pharaoh was threatening to torture for their belief:
rabbana afrigh AAalayna sabran watawaffana muslimeena
“Our Lord! pour out on us patience, and cause us to die as Muslims."
12) Dua of Musa (Moses, A.S) for good speech, when he was sent by Allah to Pharaoh:
rabbi ishrah lee sadree Wayassir lee amree Waohlul AAuqdatan min lisanee Yafqahoo qawlee
O my Lord! Open for me my chest (grant me self-confidence, contentment, and boldness).And ease my task for me; And make loose the knot (the defect) from my tongue, (i.e. remove the incorrectness from my speech). That they understand my speech.

13)Dua of Talut (Saul) and his army for victory over Jalut(Goliath) and his forces:
rabbana afrigh AAalayna sabran wathabbit aqdamana waonsurna AAala alqawmi alkafireena
"Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience and make us victorious over the disbelieving people."

14) Dua of Lut (A.S) to Allah for help :
rabbi onsurnee AAala alqawmi almufsideena
"My Lord, support me against the corrupting people."
15) Dua of Pharaoh's wife when she was being tortured by Pharaoh:
rabbi ibni lee AAindaka baytan fee aljannati
"My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise..”

16)Dua of Shuaib (A.S) against his people:
rabbana iftah baynana wabayna qawmina bialhaqqi waanta khayru alfatiheena
“Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, for You are the Best of those who give judgment."

17) Dua seeking refuge from the shaytaan:

rabbi aAAoothu bika min hamazati alshshayateeni. WaaAAoothu bika rabbi an yahdurooni
"My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayatin (devils). And I seek refuge with You, My Lord! lest they may attend (or come near) me."

Subhana rabbika rabbi alAAizzati AAamma yasifoona. Wasalamun AAala almursaleena. Waalhamdu lillahi rabbi alAAalameena.
Glorified be your Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! (He is free) from what they attribute unto Him!. And peace be on the Messengers!.And all the praise and thanks be to Allah, Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

Ayatul Qursi:
'Allahu laaa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huu. 'Al-Hayyul-Qayyuum. Laa ta'-khuzuhuu sinatunw-wa laa nawm. Lahuu maa fissamaawaati wa ma fil-'arz. Man-zallazii yashfa-'u'indahuuu 'illaa bi-'iznih? Ya'-lamu maa bayna 'aydiihim wa maa khalfahum. Wa laa yuhiituuna bi-shay-'im-min 'ilmihiii 'illaa bimaa shaaa'. Wasi-'a Kursiyyu-hus-Samaawaati wal-'arz; wa laa ya-'uuduhuu hifzu-humaa wa Huwal-'Aliyyul-'Aziim.

Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.

Remember me,my family and the entire ummah in your precious duas.

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I am using it myself and am happy with the results. It doesn't have any chemicals, so no side effetcs.

 Please drop me a mail at if you are interested to buy.

Please share this message with your friends and relatives.

